19.10.2016 – Habilitation in Theoretical Physics, Nicolas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland. Disserations: The momentum map and quantum corellations
23.09.2014 – PhD in Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK. Disseratations: Topology of graph configuration spaces and quantum statistics. Faculty of Sience Commendation
14.11.2011 – PhD in Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Dissertaitions: Symplectic Geometry of Entanglement.
26.02.2010 – MSc in Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Dissertations:Classical nonintegrability of a quantum chaotic SU(3) Hamiltonian system.
10.2019 – now – Professor of the Institute, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
12.2019- 03.2023 – Director of the Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
02.2017- 09.2019 – Associate Professor, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
01.2019-12.2019– Deputy of the Director for Scientific Affairs, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
10.2015-10.2016 – Marie Curie Research Fellow, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.
10.2013-10.2015 – Marie Curie Research Fellow, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
10.2010-10.2013 – PhD student, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.
03.2010-10.2010 – Assistant, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
03.2008-03.2010 – Trainee Researcher, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
10.2013-10.2016 – Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship, two years in The Centre for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and one year in School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.
10.2010-10.2013 – The University of Bristol Postgraduate Research Scholarship, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.
1. The Minister of Science Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scientists, 2016-2019, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
2.‘Stypendium Start’, 2015, Foundation for Polish Science
3. ‘Stypendium Start’, 2014, Foundation for Polish Science
4. School of Mathematics Excellence Award, 2010-2013, University of Bristol, UK
06.2016-06.2021 – Optimality, Universality and Controllability in the Theory of Quantum Computing. Funding source: National Science Center, Poland 200 000 Euros. I am the Principal Investigator in this project.
01.10.2013-30.09.2016 – Complex Topology, Ayons and Entanglement, Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship, 285 000 Euros, University of Bristol and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I was the Principal Investigator in this project.
04.04.2012-03.04.2014 – Topology and Geometry of quantum correlations, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 45 000 Euros, Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS, I was the Principal Investigator in this project.
04.05.2011-03.05.2013 – Analysis of Quantum Statistics on quantum graphs, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education 15 000 Euros, Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, I was the Principal Investigator in this project.
10.2020-now – Mr Oskar Słowik, current PhD student in mathematical physics working in quantum computing.
10.2018-10.2022 – Dr Lorenzo Mattioli, former PhD student at the Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Thesis: “Quantum universality and membership problems” – successfully defended 10.2022
10.2015-.10.2018 – Dr Katarzyna Karnas, my former PhD student in mathematical physics at the Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Thesis: “Universality in quantum computation” – successfully defended 10.2018
09.2012-10.2015 – Dr Tomasz Maciazek, my former PhD and MSc student in mathematical physics at the Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Thesis “Topology of configuration spaces for particles on graphs” defended in October 2018. Currently he is a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol.
10.2017-09.2018 – Mr Oskar Słowik, my former BSc and MSc student in in mathematical physics at the Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. BSc thesis: “Asymptotic equivalence of multipartite quantum states under SLOCC operations” – successfully defended 09.2018
10.2016-10.2017 – Mr Maciej Ogrodnik, my former BSc student in in mathematical physics at the Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. BSc thesis: “Quantum statistics and geometric quantization” – successfully defended 10.2017
06.2020-now – Mr Piotr Dulian, current MSc student and former BSc student in mathematical physics working in quantum computing. BSc thesis „Efficient sets of quantum gates” – defended 10.2021.
2022 – Tutorial 30h : „Partial differential equations”, Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology
2022 – Lecture 60h : „Linear Algebra”, Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology
2022 – Lecture 45h : „Probability Theory”, Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology
2020-2021 – Lecture 30h : „Current trends in quantum computing”, Warsaw4PhD graduate school
2020-2021 – Lecture 30h: „Compact Lie groups and their representations”, Warsaw4PhD graduate school
2010-2012 – Tutorials in Calculus, Linear Algebra and Geometry, Mathematics for Economics and Biology students, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.
05.2023 – The 11th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committe
09.2021 – Quantum Optics X, Toruń, Poland. A member of the scientific committee
08.2021 – 40th anniversary of CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committee
05.2021 – The 10th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committe
02.2021 – CTP PAS quantum Information days, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committe
05.2019 – The 9th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committee
05.2017 – The 8th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committe
05.2015 – From Geometry and Chaos to Quantum Information and Neurobiology, Warsaw, Poland. A member of the organising committee
08.2022-now – member of the Advisory Board of Quantum Klaster
05.2022-now – member of the Quantum Technology Advisory Board at Ministry of Education and Science
11.2019-now – member of the Advisory Board of the Quantum AI Foundation
02.2017-now – member of the Scientific Council of Center for Theoretical Physics PAS.
02.2019-03.2022 – member of the Advisory Board „Regionalna Inicjatywa Doskonałości”
10.2016-12.2016 – Expert in the Mathematical Physics panel for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships H2020-MSCA-IF-2016.
2010-2016 – Reviewer in Communications in Mathematical Physics, Quantum, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Reports on Mathematical Physics, The European Physical Journal D, International Journal of Quantum Information, Quantum Information Processing.
2012-2016 – Research Network: AGA: Analysis on Graphs, Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), United Kingdom, 2012-2016
2010-2013 – Junior Member of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science, Cambridge, UK
32. 03.2024, Quantum correlations and geometry, GRIEG meeting on Cartan Geometries, Universitè Paris-Saclay, France
31. 09.2023, Random matrix model for random approximate t-designs, Quantum Morocco, Rabat, Morocco
30. 07.2023, Algebraic and symplectic geometry in the description of quantum correlations, 12th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS12), Prague, Czech Republic
29. 10.2022, Algebraic geometry and many body entanglement, Tensors form the physics view point, AGATES workshop, Institute of Mathematics PAS, Warsaw
28. 09.2022, Haar random approximate t-designs and Gaussian Ensembles, QMATH15, UC Davis, USA
27. 08.2021, Efficiency of random sets of quantum gates, 40th anniversary of the CTP PAS, Warsaw
26. 03.08.2021, Epsilon nets, unitary designs and random quantum circuits, International congress on mathematical physics, Switzerland
25. 07.2020, Epsilon nets, unitary designs and random quantum circuits, TeamNet workshop, Warsaw
24. 03.2019, Symmetries of locally maximally entangled states and asymptotic SLOCC equivalence, The mathematics of quantum information, Siegen, Germany
23. 02.2018, n-particle quantum statistics, International Symposium on New Frontiers in Quantum Correlations (ISNFQC18), Kolkata, India
22. 05.2018, Mathematics of quantum computation and universality, Multipartite Entanglement, Benasque, Spain
21. 06.2018, Quantum entanglement from single particle information, 50 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Torun, Poland
20. 07.2018, Quantum entanglement from single particle information, 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
19. 09.2018, Quantum entanglement from single particle information, Entanglement Days, Budapest, Hungary
18. 09.2017, Universality of optical quantum gates, Quantum Optics 2017, Gdansk, Poland
17. 11.2017, Universality of qudit gates, ICQOQI’2017, Minsk, Białorus
16. 05.2017, Asymptotic properties of entanglement polytopes for large number of qubits and RMT, 8th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localisation Phenomena, Warszawa, Poland
15. 06.2017, Asymptotic properties of entanglement polytopes for large number of qubits, 49th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Toruń, Poland
14. 07.2017, Quantum marginal problem and universal quantum gates, QI workshop, Benasque, Spain
13. 08.2017, Universality of optical quantum gates, VI Paraty Quantum Information Workshop, Paraty, Brazil
12. 08.2017, Universal quantum gates, 15th International Conference of Squeezed States and QO, Jeju, South Korea
11. 08.2015, Universality of Beamsplitters, Nonlinear Control and Geometry, Institute of Mathematics PAS, Bedlewo, Poland
10. 04.2015, Universality of Beamsplitters, From Geometry and Chaos to Quantum Information and Neurobiology Symposium in honour of Marek Kus 60th birthday, Warsaw, Poland
9. 06.2015, Quantum Statistics on graphs, Quantum Correlated Matter and Chaos – A Workshop in Honour of the Life and Work of Richard Prange, Dresden, Germany
8. 09.2014, Topology of graph configuration spaces and quantum statistic, Topological Phases of Quantum Matter, Vienna, Austria
7. 01.2013, Convexity of momentum map, spherical actions and quantum correlations, Symposium on Geometry of quantum correlations, Warsaw, Poland
6. 12.2012, A new approach to N-particle quantum statistics, Quantum Graphs Workshop, Bristol,UK
5. 11.2012, A geometric look at quantum entanglement, Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems, Langeoog, Germany
4. 04.2012, Geometry and quantum correlations, Young researchers in mathematics, Bristol, UK
3. 01.2012, Symplectic geometry of entanglement, Geometry of quantum entanglement CIRM, Marseille, France
2. 12.2011, Scattering from Isospectral Graphs, Quantum graphs in Mathematics, Physics and Applications Stockholm, Sweden
1. 05.2011, Isoscattering quantum graphs, 5th Workshop on Quantum Chaos and Localization Phenomena, Warsaw, Poland
41. Geometry of quantum correlations part II, GRIEG geometry seminar, CTP PAS and TheArctic University of Norway, 08.12.2023
40. Geometry of quantum correlations part I, GRIEG geometry seminar, CTP PAS and The Arctic University of Norway, 24.11.2023
39. Random approximate t-designs, ICTQC Seminar, ICTQC, 25.01.2023
38. Random approximate t-designs, Quantum Information and Quantum Computing Working Group, CTP PAS, 18.01.2023
37. Random approximate t-designs, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Warsaw 01.12.2022
36. How to check universality of quantum gates?, Chaos and quantum information seminar, Jagiellonian University, 12.12.2022
35. Mathematics of Quantum Computing, Mathematics Colloquium, Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology, China, 27.05.2022
34. How to check universality of quantum gates?, KMMF Seminar ‚Theory of Duality’, University of Warsaw, 02.12.2021
33. Epsilon-nets, unitary designs and random quantum circuits, Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of Bristol, 01.2020
32. Efficient Quantum Gates, Warsaw Quantum Camputing Group Meet-up, Warsaw, 29.04.2019
31. Quantum entanglement from single particle information, QI Seminar, Univeristy of Warsaw,22.11.2018
30. Introduction to Riemann hypothesis, Seminar Science and Coffee, CFT PAN, Warszawa, 10.08.2018
29. Symplectic and algebraic geometry tools in quantum mechanics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, Wielka Brytania, 02.11.2017
28. Convexity of the momentum map and quantum entanglement, King’s Collage, Department of Mathemtics, Londyn, Wielka Brytania, 01.11.2017
27. Asymptotic properties of entanglement polytopes for large number of qubits, University of Bristol, Department of Mathematics, Bristol, Wielka Brytania, 10.11.2017
26. Asymptotic properties of entanglement polytopes for large number of qubits, Seminar of Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures, Warszawa, 17.11.2017 Poland
25. Universality of qudit gates, Seminrium KCIK, Sopot, 23.02.2017
24. Universal quantum gates, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Uniwersity of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland, 13.03.2017
23. Universal quantum gates, Physics Seminar, UAM, Poznan, Poland, 21.03.2017,
22. Universality of qudit gates, Physics Seminar, Technion, Hajfa, Izrael, 29.01.2017
21. Efficient universal sets of gates, KCIK, Sopot, 28.09.2017
20. A fresh look at universal quantum gates, CTP PAS seminar Warsaw 11.05.2016
19. A fresh look at universal quantum gates, QI group seminar Bristol, 11.08.2016
18. Topology of configuration spaces and exchange statistics, Applied Topology Seminar, Bristol, 28.04.2016
17. Momentum maps and quantum correlations I and II, Jacobs University, Bremen, 23-24.02.2016
16. Universal optical gates, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 03.02.2016
15. Universality of Beamsplitters, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Baylor University, Waco, USA, 30.04.2015
14. Topology of configuration spaces and quantum statistics, QI group seminar, MIT, 17.05.2014
13. Quantum statistics on graphs, Seminarium ICFO, Barcelona, Spain, 24.01.2014
12. N-particle quantum statistics on graphs, CTP PAS seminar, 22.10.2013; Institute of Mathematics PAS, Algebra-Geometry-Physics seminar, 22.10.2013; Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, Analysis seminar, 15.02.2013
11. A link between Quantum Entanglement, Secant varieties and Sphericity, ITP,ETH Zurich, QI seminar, 05.02.2013
10. Spherical actions, convexity of the momentum map and classification of quantum states, University of Warsaw, QI seminar, 17.01.2013
9. Symplectic techniques in the entanglement theory, University of Nottingham, mathematical physics seminar, 14.05.2012
8. Symplectic geometry of quantum correlations, CTP PAS, Warsaw, theoretical physics seminar, 04.01.2011
7. Geometry of quantum correlations, Department of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, mathphys seminar, 19.05.2011
6. Symplectic geometry and quantum correlations, University of Bristol, mathematical physics and beyond seminar, 03.06.2011;University of Bristol, mathematical physics seminar, 24.06.2011
5. Self-adjoint extensions of hermitian operators I and II, University of Bristol, mathematical physics and beyond seminar, 18.11.2011 and 25.11.2011
4. Isoscattering quantum graphs, CTP PAS,Warsaw, theoretical physics seminar, 06.01.2010; Institute of Mathematics PAS, Warsaw, Algebra-Geometry-Physics seminar, 17.03.2010
3. Scatering matrices of isospectral quantum graphs Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, mathematical physics seminar, 14.09.2009
2. Classical nonintegrability of quantum chaotic SU(3) Hamiltonian system, School of Mathematics, University of Bochum, 17.06.2009
1. Non-integrability of Hamiltonian systems and differential Galois theory I and II, CTP PAS seminar, Warsaw, 07.01.2009 and 14.01.2009
6. TQC2022, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, USA, poster: Matrix concentration inequalities and efficiency of random gates (presenter: Piotr Dulian)
5. From Quantum Chaos to Graphs and Spectral Patterns, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, 11-15.09.2016, poster: Universal quantum gates.
4. 44th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, New Developments in the Theory of Open Quantum Systems, Torun, 20-24.06.2012, poster: The momentum map geometry and quantum entanglement
3. Symposium of National Quantum Information Centre, Sopot 18-19.05.2012, poster: Symplectic techniques in the entanglement theory
2. Quantum Malta: Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics 24-27.04.2012, Malta, poster: Symplectic techniques in the entanglement theory,
1. Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems, Munich 02.2011, poster: Limits of representations