
Adam Sawicki, Professor

Head of the Group
I am a professor of mathematical physics specializing (among others) in quantum information theory. I work at the Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw).
The main topics I’m interested in are:
  •  description of quantum entanglement in many body systems and quantum marginal problem
  • classification of quantum statistics (anyons) on quantum graphs and quantum networks
  • characterisation of isospectral/isoscattering quantum graphs using representation theory of finite groups
  • universality criteria for quantum gates
  • t-designs and ε-nets
  • efficiency of quantum gates and random walks on compact groups
  • membership problem for quantum gate-sets

Marek Kuś, Professor

Group member

I am a mathematical physicist,  a  professor at the Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of  the Centre for Systemic Risk Analysis at University of Warsaw.

My areas of scientific activities encompass: 

  • Quantum information theory (in particular, theory of quantum correlations), 
  • Quantum chaos (transitions from quantum to classical in quantum nonlinear systems), 
  • Information geometry
  • Fundamentals of quantum mechanics and philosophy of mathematics and physics



Oliver Reardon-Smith


I am a post doctoral researcher in Adam Sawicki’s group in the Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. My interests include the theory of quantum computers as well as quantum information theory and foundations more generally, but my recent work has focused on:

  • The resource theory of magic and its generalisations
  • Classical simulation of quantum computations
  • Quantum gatesets and compilation
  • ε-nets and t-designs
I am particularly interested in understanding the role of efficiently classically simulable subtheories of quantum mechanics, including (but definitely not limited to) stabilizer quantum mechanics and fermionic linear optics.

PhD Students

Oskar Słowik

PhD Student

By education, I am a mathematician, theoretical physicist and computer scientist. My scientific interests span a wide range of topics within those three subjects. My main area of research is mathematical and quantum physics, specifically quantum information and computation. My PhD supervisor is Prof. Adam Sawicki.

The main topics of my current research are:

  • efficiency of quantum gates and quantum compilers
  • t-designs and ε-nets correspondence
  • geometry and topology of quantum correlations
  • reliability of quantum hardware
  • quantum computing stacks (especially ion-trap QC)
  • quantum error correction (LDPC codes)

Jan Głowacki

PhD student

I am a PhD student at the Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw). My PhD supervisor is Prof. Marek Kuś. I am interested in a variety of topics in theoretical and mathematical physics, including:

The main topics of my current research are:

  • relational approaches to quantum theory (quantum reference frames and beyond)
  • reconstructions of (relational) quantum theory
  • statistical (quantum) physics with Bayesian inference
  • General Relativity as as emergent framework


Piotr Dulian


I am MSc student who joined the group in summer 2020. I study Physics at Warsaw University. In the group I work on efficient quantum gate-sets and random t-designs. My MSc. supervisor is Prof. Adam Sawicki.

Former Members

Tomasz Maciążek

Former Member

Tomasz was a PhD student in QuantMath group in 10/2015-10/2018. He successfully defended thesis: “Topology of configuration spaces for particles on graphs”, written under the supervision of Prof. Adam Sawicki, in October 2018. Currently he is a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol.

Katarzyna Karnas

Former Member

Katarzyna was a PhD student in QuantMath group in 09/2016-10/2018. She successfully defended thesis: “Universality in quantum computation”, written under the supervision of Prof. Adam Sawicki, in October 2018. 

Lorenzo Mattioli

Former member

Lorenzo was a PhD student in QuantMath group in 10/2018-10/2022. His PhD supervisor was Prof. Adam Sawicki. Lorenzo successfully defended thesis: “Quantum Universality and Membership Problems” in October 2022.