Oskar Słowik, MSc


12.2021MSc in Mathematics, Specialisation: Topology and Geometry of Manifolds, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Dissertations: Cohomological invariants of spaces of quantum states. Supervisor: Prof. Andrzej Weber.

09.2020MSc in Physics, Specialisation: Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Dissertations: Designing Locally Maximally Entangled States with arbitrary local unitary symmetry. Supervisor: Prof. Adam Sawicki.

09.2018 – BSc in Physics, Specialisation: Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland. Dissertations: Asymptotic equivalence of multipartite quantum states under SLOCC operations. Supervisor: Prof. Adam Sawicki.

06.2018 – BSc in Mathematics, Specialisation: Theoretical Mathematics, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland. Dissertations: Geometric Invariant Theory and Algebraic Quotients. Supervisor: Prof. Piotr Kowalski.

02.2018 – BEng in Computer Science, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland. Dissertations: Discrete Quantum Walks on Graphs. Supervisor: Prof. Piotr Syga.

01.2016 – BEng in Mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland. Dissertations: Sensitivity and resolution of MEMS based force sensor. Supervisor: Prof. Teodor Gotszalk.


07.2023-Present – Contractor within IDUB project (Prof. Grzegorz Kasprowicz et al.), Ion-Trap Quantum Computers, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland.

07.2023-Present – Intern and (later) Contractor (Prof. Joel Klassen et al.), Quantum Computing, Phasecraft Ltd, London, UK.

09.2020-Present – PhD Student (Prof. Adam Sawicki et al.), Topic: Shallow quantum circuits and random walks on compact groups, Quantum Mathematics Group, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

02.2021-12.2021 – Quantum Software Engineer (Prof. Michał Oszmaniec et al.), National Supercomputer Infrastructure for EuroHPC – EuroHPC PL, Task: Implementation of error characterisation and mitigation techniques for complex quantum processors, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

01.2020-09.2020 – Project Student (Prof. Michał Oszmaniec), Project: Near-term quantum computers: challenges, optimal implementations and applications, Theory of Quantum Computing Group, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

07.2018-09.2020 – Trainee Researcher (Prof. Adam Sawicki et al.), Project: Optimality, Universality and Controllability in the Theory of Quantum Computing, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

10.2017-06.2018 – Trainee Researcher (Prof. Adam Sawicki), Project: Topology of Geometry in Quantum Mechanics, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

07.2017-09.2017 Traineeship (Prof. Wend Werner), Topic: p-adic Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Institute, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.

08.2016-09.2016 – Traineeship (Prof. Adam Sawicki), Topic: Quantum compilers; quantum graphs, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

07.2014-07.2014 Traineeship (Prof. Teodor Gotszalk), Topic: Theory of graphene micromembranes, Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland.


6. J. Tuziemski, F. B. Maciejewski, J. Majsak, O. Słowik, M. Kotowski, K. Kowalczyk-Murynka, P. Podziemski, M. Oszmaniec, “Efficient reconstruction, benchmarking and validation of cross-talk models in readout noise in near-term quantum devices”, arXiv:2311.10661  (2023).

5. O. Słowik, A. Sawicki, Calculable lower bounds on the efficiency of universal sets of quantum gates, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 115304 (2023).

4. O. Słowik, A. Sawicki, T. Maciążek, “Designing locally maximally entangled quantum states with arbitrary local symmetries”, Quantum 5, 450 (2021).

3. J. Chojnacki, J. Krajecka, J. H. Kwapisz,O. Słowik, A. Strąg, “Is asymptotically safe inflation eternal?”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 076 (2021).

2. O. Słowik, A. Sawicki, M. Hebenstreit, B. Kraus, “A link between symmetries of critical states and the structure of SLOCC classes in multipartite systems”, Quantum 4, 300 (2020).

1. O. Słowik, K. Orłowska, D. Kopiec, P. Janus, P. Grabiec, T. Gotszalk “Quantum mechanical aspects in the MEMS/NEMS technology”, Measurement Automation Monitoring, vol. 62, no. 03 (2016).


2024 Awardee of the 2024 Competition for Young Scientists at CTP PAS.

2019-2020 – not eligible for Rector’s scholarship.

2018-2019 – Rector’s Scholarship for the best students, University of Warsaw, Poland.

2016-2018not eligible for Rector’s Scholarship

2013-2016 – Rector’s Scholarships for the best students, Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

2012 – Finalist of the Polish subject Olympiads: 61st Olympiad in Physics and 58th Olympiad in Chemistry.


2022-2023 –  Member of QWorld Board

2022-2024 –  Co-coordinator of QPoland and of QResearch (within QWorld)

2022-Present –  Member of  the Scientific Council of CTP PAS (Council Secretary)

2021-Present –  Member of  IBM Qiskit Advocate Program

2020-2021 –  Member of the PhD Student’s Council, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

2019-Present –  Member of QWorld and QPoland.

2019-2020 –  Member of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.

2016-2018 –  Chair of the Scientific Club of Physicists NABLA, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland.

2014-2016 –  Chair of the Scientific Club of Theoretical Mathematicians, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland.

2013-Present –  Member of the Polish Physical Society, Warsaw, Poland.


Fall 2023 – Tutorial in Calculus III, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Spring 2022 – Grading of homeworks in Probability Theory, Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, China.

Fall 2020 Tutorial in Compact groups and their representations, Mathematical Physics I, CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.


03.2024 International Conference on Computational Science, Quantum Computing Thematic Track, PC member and referee of 2 papers, Málaga, Spain.

03.2023 International Conference on Computational Science, Quantum Computing Thematic Track, PC member and referee of 2 papers, Prague, Czech Republic.

03.2022 International Conference on Computational Science, Quantum Computing Thematic Track, PC member and referee of 2 papers, London, UK.

03.2021 International Conference on Computational Science, Quantum Computing Thematic Track, PC member and referee of 2 papers, Remote.

02.2021 -24th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing, subreferee of 1 paper, Remote.


09.2024 – Coordination of QIntern2024 quantum internship programme, organized by QResearch department of QWorld.

12.2023 – Conduction of quantum programming workshop for CTP PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

10.2023 – Jury member of Quantum Games Hackathon, organized by QPoland, Remote.

09.2023 – Mentor during Student Quantum Computing Challenge 2023, organised by Institute of Physics, London, UK.

08.2023 – Publication of two articles popularising science in „Elektronika” journal vol. 64 (2023): „The quantum computing stack: from algorithms to ions” (main author); „Electronic control system for the quantum computer infrastructure in the MIKOK project” (co-author).

05.2023 – Mentor during QL Future hackathon (quantum computing and climate change), organized by PSNC, Poznań, Poland.

09.2023 – Coordination of QIntern2023 quantum internship programme, organized by QResearch department of QWorld.

09.2022 – Jury member of Quantum Games Hackathon, organized by QPoland, Remote.

05.2022 – Deutsch(-Jozsa) algorithm, Remote. Lecture for high school students.

10.2021 – Programming of quantum computers workshop, organized by QWorld within QSpain Entangling Event, Remote. Lecturer/workshop leader and co-organizer.

02.2021 – Programming of quantum computers workshop, organized by QWorld within QGreece Entangling Event, Remote. Lecturer/workshop leader and co-organizer.

01.2021 – Programming of quantum computers workshop for high school students, organized by QWorld and Quantum AI Foundation, Remote. Mentor.

11.2020 – Programming of quantum computers workshop, organized by QWorld and Quantum AI Foundation, Lecturer/workshop leader and co-organizer, Remote. Mentor.

09.2019 – XXIII Festiwal Nauki, Warsaw, Poland. Conduction of a workshop: The mathematics of the game of Criss-Cross.

05.2019Workshop: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Warsaw, Poland. Co-organiser and mentor.

11.2017 – Baby-Horizons in Mathematics – Winter School for Students, The Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Będlewo, Poland. Member of the Organising Committee.

10.2016I Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja “FOKA”, Szkalrska Poręba, Poland. Head of the Organising Committee.

09.2014 – XVII Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki, Wrocław, Poland. Co-organisation.


06.2022 Introduction to quantum computing II, lecture within the subject „Computer architectures”, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Remote.

06.2022 Introduction to quantum computing, lecture within the subject „Computer architectures”, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland.


13. 09.2021, Variational Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Machine Learning conference, Remote.

12. 04.2021, Hybrid quantum-classical machine learning with TensorFlow and Cirq, Warsaw IT Days, Remote.

11. 12.2019, Designing Locally Maximally Entangled states with arbitrary local unitary symmetry, IV Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja “FOKA”, Wrocław, Poland.

10. 04.2019, An introduction to quantum information science, VI Ogólnopolska Mathematyczna Konferencja studentów “OMatKo!”, Wrocław, Poland.

9. 03.2019, Quantum correlations in composite systems – a geometrical approac, Baby-Horizons in Mathematics – School for Students, The Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Będlewo, Poland.

8. 12.2018, Topological quantum computers, III Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja “FOKA”, Wrocław, Poland.

7. 05.2018, Symplectic and algebraic geometry in quantum entanglement, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Studentów Matematyki “Oblicze”, Poznań, Poland.

6. 11.2017, Symplectic and algebraic geometry in quantum entanglement onthe example of linear entropy of pure L-qubit systems, 16. Ogólnopolska Sesja Kół Naukowych Fizyków, Wrocław, Poland.

5. 10.2017, p-adic numbers and adeles in physics, II Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja “FOKA”,Szklarska Poręba, Poland.

4. 05.2017, Quantum entanglement and positive maps of operator algebras, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Studentów Matematyki “Oblicze”, Poznań, Poland.

3. 10.2016, Secrets of quantum compilers, I Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja “FOKA”, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.

2. 05.2016, Quantum mechanical aspects in the MEMS/NEMS technology, 5th International Conference on Quantum Metrology, Poznań, Poland.

1. 09.2014, Double quantum dots and artificial molecules in an optical nanoresonator, Toruńskie Spotkania z Fizyką, Toruń, Poland.


5. 11.2020, Optimal ancilla-free Clifford+T approximation of z-rotation, TeamNet group seminar, Remote.

4. 05.2020 & 06.2020, Fourier analysis and sampling for nonabelian groups  – towards nonabelian Hidden Subgroup Problem (Parts I and II), Quantum computing working seminar, Remote.

3. 12.2019, An introduction to quantum walks on graphs and their implementations, CTP PAS Seminar, Warsaw, Poland.

1. 06.2019, Manifolds in the language of sheaves and functors (Parts I-III), The Algebra & Geometry of Modern Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.


5. 03.2023, The efficiency of universal sets of quantum gates, Near-term Quantum Computing 2020(+3), Warsaw, Poland.

4. 02.2023, The efficiency of universal sets of quantum gates, Quantum Information Processing, Ghent, Belgium.

3. 09.2021, Designing locally maximally entangled states with arbitrary local symmetries, 40+1 anniversary of Center for Theoretical Physics PAN, Warsaw, Poland.

2. 02.2021, Designing locally maximally entangled states with arbitrary local symmetries, CTP Quantum Information Days, Remote.

1. 06.2019, Symmetries of LME states and asymptotic SLOCC equivalence in multipartite quantum systems, The 51st Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Toruń, Poland.